We have made some improvements to the website and one of them is this new blog page! On this blog, we will post large updates of the platform. We will talk about how to use the technique in an optimal way. Furthermore, from time to time we will give some background regarding the theories behind emotion research.
One of the new features on the external website is a new tab with case studies. We have included a few very different studies. Each contributes a useful point such as, validity of the software or a useful approach in marketing research. Within the dashboard, the most important updates are in the recorder and on the group results page. It is now a lot easier to manage and understand the results. You can get useful comparison insights between groups or videos within a few clicks! You can try it yourself in the sample results page that also includes a new project. For a complete overview of the updates within the dashboard see our next post.
We have also made our Frequently Asked Questions section publicly available. Now you can already find the answer to all of your questions, before you become a user of the platform. Is your question not featured, feel free to contact us! We have more in store for you, for example, we are currently working on a new tutorial video. This will help explain all the basic features of the website. Tune in for the next blog, which will give some information on why emotions matter in marketing. If you want to stay updated on our blogs, please follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn.