Scientific publications

Read about the research that supports the FaceReader Ecosystem

Over the past 20+ years, our facial coding platform and its embedded technologies have been the subject as well as the preferred instrument for numerous accredited scientific studies. Below we present a comprehensive overview of the literature that has emerged from these studies, highlighting and validating the cutting-edge technology of FaceReader Online.
417 citations
Automated facial coding: Validation of basic emotions and FACS AUs in FaceReader
P. Lewinski, T. M, Den Uyl, C. Butler
32 citations
Embodied resistance to persuasion in advertising
P. Lewinski, M.L. Fransen and E.S. Tan
612 citations
How to capture the heart? Reviewing 20 years of emotion measurement in advertising
Poels & Dewitte
60 citations
Facial affective reactions to bitter-tasting foods
Garcia-Burgos, Zamora
41 citations
Computerised analysis of facial emotion expression in eating disorders
Leppanen, Dapelo, Davies, Lang, Treasure, Tchanturia
4 citations
Real-Time Facial Character Animation
H.E. Tasli, T.M. den Uyl, H. Boujut, T. Zaharia

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