Scientific publications

Read about the research that supports the FaceReader Ecosystem

Over the past 20+ years, our facial coding platform and its embedded technologies have been the subject as well as the preferred instrument for numerous accredited scientific studies. Below we present a comprehensive overview of the literature that has emerged from these studies, highlighting and validating the cutting-edge technology of FaceReader Online.
30 citations
Refining a User Behaviour Model Based on the Observation of Emotional States Refining a User Behaviour Model Based on the Observation of Emotional States
Aguiar, Veiera, Galy, Mercantini, Santoni
8 citations
Toward physiological indices of emotional state driving future ebook interactivity
van Erp, Hogervorst, van der Werf, Ysbrand
335 citations
The FaceReader: Online facial expression recognition
M.J. den Uyl and H. Van Kuilenburg
53 citations
Charitable giving, emotions, and the default effect
Fiala & Noussair
194 citations
Make a face! Implicit and explicit measurement of facial expressions elicited by orange juices using face reading technology
Danner, Sidorkina, Joechl, Duerrschmid
96 citations
Dynamics of autonomic nervous system responses and facial expressions to odors
He, Boesveldt, de Graaf, de Wijk

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