Scientific publications
Read about the research that supports the FaceReader Ecosystem
Over the past 20+ years, our facial coding platform and its embedded technologies have been the subject as well as the preferred instrument for numerous accredited scientific studies. Below we present a comprehensive overview of the literature that has emerged from these studies, highlighting and validating the cutting-edge technology of FaceReader Online.
27 citations
Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions: The Role of Facial and Contextual Information in the Accuracy of Recognition
Chóli & Fernández-Abascal
1808 citations
A survey of content based 3D shape retrieval methods
J.W.H. Tangelder, R.C. Veltkamp
216 citations
Deep learning based FACS Action Unit occurrence and intensity estimation
A. Gudi, H. E. Tasli, T. M. den Uyl and A. Maroulis
226 citations
A multi-componential analysis of emotions during complex learning with an intelligent multi-agent system
Harley, Bouchet, Hussain, Azevedo, Calvo
117 citations
Facial expressions and autonomous nervous system responses elicited by tasting different juices
Danner, Haindl, Joechl, Duerrschmid
26 citations
The effect of savoury plants, fermented with lactic acid bacteria, on the microbiological contamination, quality, and acceptability of unripened curd cheese
Mozuriene, Bartkiene, Juodeikiene, et al